Our dear friends,

P1010298The third semester of the 17th generation has started. It is always special for our students because of the nice spring weather and because most students finish their school and these are the last weeks of their life here.

As far as the very beginning of the semester is concerned, we’ve had a visiting group from the Downline Bible program from Memphis, Tennessee, USA. They taught a seminar on discipleship, which was attended, other then by our students, by many guests from different churches and towns in Serbia. There were altogether over 40 of us in HUB. It was a very blessed time for all of us. Conversations, hangouts, encouragements, sport activities, art workshops etc. made the participants leave full of good impressions. We ourselves have been blessed by serving people and being a spiritual refreshment for them.

I asked Dr. Jim Rearden, one of the teachers from the team, and his wife, to share with us their impressions about HUB.

This was our first visit to HUB. We didn’t know what to expect, and God surprised with us with joy. We’ve met wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ, we were able to share God’s Word, God’s joy, God’s Spirit and so much more. This connected our team and made us feel like tools in the hands of the Carpenter. We are thankful that He has used us in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Serbia.”

There are great challenges in front of us and this is why we need you to keep supporting us in prayer. Thank you for doing it. May God bless you.

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.“ – 1. Corinthians 15:58

Riste and the HUB team


Dragi naši prijatelji,

P1010298Počeo je i treći semestar u 17. generaciji, koji je uvek poseban za naše studente zbog lepog proletnjeg vremena, a naročito zbog toga što većina studenata završava školu i što su ovo poslednje nedelje njihovog boravka ovde.

Što se tiče samog početka semestra, u poseti nam je bila grupa ljudi sa biblijskog programa Downline iz Memfisa u Tenesiju, SAD. Oni su održali seminar o učeništvu, kojem su, uz naše studente, prisustvovali i brojni gosti iz raznih crkava i gradova u Srbiji. Ukupno nas je bilo preko 40 u HUB-u. Bilo je to veoma bagosloveno vreme za sve nas. Razgovori, druženja, molitve, ohrabrenja, sportske aktivnosti, likovne radionice i drugo učinili su da učesnici odu puni utisaka. I mi sami smo bili blagosloveni što smo služili ljudima i bili im duhovno osveženje.

Zamolio sam dr Džima Rirdena, jednog od predavača koji su bili u timu, i njegovu ženu, da sa nama podele svoje utiske iz HUB-a.

“Ovo je bila naša prva poseta HUB-u. Nismo znali šta da očekujemo, a Bog nas je iznenadio radošću. Upoznali smo predivnu braću i sestre u Hristu, mogli smo da delimo Božiju Reč, Božiju radost, Božijeg Duha i mnogo toga. To je naš tim spojilo i učinilo da se osećamo kao da smo oruđe u rukama Tesara. Zahvalni smo da nas je koristio u životima naše braće i sestara u Srbiji.”

Veliki su izazovi ispred nas i zbog toga nam je potrebno da nastavite da nas podržavate u molitvi. Hvala vam što to radite. Neka vas Bog blagoslovi.

“Stoga, braćo moja draga, budite čvrsti, nepokolebljivi, uvek bogati u delu Gospodnjem, znajući da vaš trud  nije besplodan u Gospodu.” – 1. Korinćanima 15:58

Riste i tim HUB-a


Dragi naši prijatelji, braćo i sestre u Hristu,

Završio se drugi semester školske 2012/2013 godine i još uvek smo puni utisaka koje želimo barem jednim delom i vama da prenesemo, i da vam ukratko kažemo kako je to protekao ceo semestar..

studenti.Pre svega, ovaj semestar je bio veliki izazov za tim, jer je to bio naš prvi celi semestar bez Slađana ovde. Međutim, naučili smo da upravo u ovakvim izazovima Bog najviše radi i najviše nas uči. Tek kada smo suočeni sa ovakvim izazovima, usuđujemo se da preuzmemo odgovornosti, da radimo i pokušavamo stvari koje inače ne bismo, i na takav način učimo i rastemo.

Bilo je veoma blagosloveno iskustvo raditi sa studentima i gledati kako rastu ovoga semestra. Bilo ih je ukupno dvanaest, devetoro muškaraca i tri žene, od kojih je svako pokazao posebne darove, posebne snage i potencijale za službu. Videli smo kako rastu i teološki, kroz prisustvovanje časovima, i praktično, kroz praktične aktivnosti, zajedništvo i svakodnevni život.

Deo njihovog iskustva ovog trimestra bilo je posećivanje i služenje mnogim crkvama, naročito onima u kojima nikada nismo bili ili onima u kojima dugo nismo bili. Studenti su učili šta znači služiti drugima i blagosiljati druge, i videli su kako oni sami mogu biti time blagoslovljeni.

DSCI2244Jedan od studenata, Radomir Jovetić, sada je završio svoju prvu godinu u Biblijskoj školi, pa je preostalo jedanaestoro studenata, plus moguć broj novih koji će se možda pridružiti od sledećeg semestra, koji počinje 15. aprila. Ne znamo još uvek da li će ih biti i koliko će ih možda biti, ali molimo se za Božiju volju.

Hvala svima za to što čitate naše vesti, molite se za nas i podržavate nas. Mnogo nam znači svaki vid vaše podrške i sve ovo ne bi bilo moguće bez vas. Hvala vam na svemu.

„A onome koji svojom silom, što dejstvuje u nama, može da učini preko svega i iznad svega što mi ištemo ili mislimo, njemu slava u Crkvi i u Hristu Isusu u sva pokolenja od večnosti do večnosti; amin.”

U Hristu vaši,

Riste i tim HUB-a


Our dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

The 2nd trimester of the school year 2012/2013 is now over, and we are still under the impression that we’d like to share with you at least partially, and tell you how the trimester ended.

studenti.First of all, it was quite challenging for the team, because this was our first full trimester without Sladjan here. However, we have learned that it’s precisely through these challenges that God works and teaches us the most. Only when we are challenged like this do we dare to take responsibilities to do or try things that we normally wouldn’t, and this is how we learn and grow.

It was a very blessed experience to work with students and watch them grow this trimester. There were 12 of them during the term, nine men and three women, out of which each showed special gifts, special strengths and potentials for ministry. We’ve seen them grow both theologically, through attending classes, and practically, through practical activities, fellowship and everyday life.

A part of their experience this trimester was visiting and serving in many churches, especially those that we’ve either never been to or those that we haven’t been to for a long time. They’ve been learning what it means to serve and bless others, and they’ve seen how themselves can be blessed by it.

DSCI2244One of the students, Radomir Jovetić, has now finished his 1st year at the Bible school, so we are left off with 11 of them, plus a possible number of the new students who might join from the next term, which starts on April 15. We still don’t know if there will be any of them and how many of them might there be, but we are praying for God’s will.

We would like to thank you all for reading our news, praying for us and supporting us. Any kind of your support means a lot to us and our whole ministry would be impossible without you. Thank you for everything.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

Yours in Christ,

Riste and the HUB team


Dear brothers, sisters and friends,

DSCI2103 The week nine of the 2nd semester is over. It was pretty intense and active in every way.

As far as the classes are concerned, the students were taught by Gareth Bolton this week, one of the teachers who have been with us from the very beginning of the work of the Bible school. He taught 2 Samuel, as well as the Book of Isaiah, which he will continue to teach during the next week too. Gareth taught it in a special way, which leaves no person indifferent. On the contrary, it inspires. The students have also been very busy preparing the final essays as well as the final exam of this semester.

Visits to churches and practical days

Last week was the first time that we visited the first Baptist church in Sremska Mitrovica, which is a small, old church, with a long tradition. The people were encouraged by our ministry there and thankful that we had some time to come, visit them and serve them in this way.

Also, on Thursday, we went to visit two families with disabled children. It is hard to explain how God is opening the doors for us to share the Gospel. People often tell us that they’re happy and pleased to have us with them. They ask us to sing Christian songs to them, tell them about God, pray for them. We simply see the hand of God in all of that.DSCI2188

There is nothing as precious and blessed as serving others. We are always encouraged and additionally motivated by the words from the Gospel of John 12:26:Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Thank you so much for your prayers and every other kind of support.

We desire every blessing to you all.

Riste and the HUB team


Draga braćo, sestre i prijatelji,

DSCI2103Završila se deveta nedelja u ovom drugom semestru. Bila je dosta intenzivna i aktivna u svakom pogledu.

Što se tiče predavanja, sa studentima je ove nedelje bio Geret Bolton, jedan od predavača koji su sa nama od samog početka rada Biblijske škole. Predavao je 2. Samuilovu, kao i knjigu proroka Isaije koje nastavlja da predaje i naredne nedelje. Geret je to podučavao na poseban način, koji nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim, već naprotiv, inspiriše. Studenti su takođe bili zauzeti i pripremom završnih eseja kao i pripremom za završni ispit za ovaj semestar.

Posete crkvama i praktični dani

Ove nedelje smo po prvi put bili u poseti Baptističkoj crkvi u Sremskoj Mitrovici, što je jedna stara crkvica, koja iza sebe ima dugu tradiciju. Ljudi su bili ohrabreni našom službom i zahvalni za to što smo odvojili vreme da dođemo, posetimo ih i poslužimo na ovakav način.

Takođe, u četvrtak smo bili da posetimo dve porodice koje imaju decu sa invaliditetom. Teško je objasniti kako Bog otvara vrata da im govorimo evanđelje. Ljudi nam često kažu da su srećni i zadovoljni kada smo sa njima. Traže nam da im pevamo hrišćanske pesme, da im govorimo o Bogu, molimo se za njih… Jednostavno vidimo kako Bog radi u svemu tome.DSCI2188

Nema ničeg dragocenijeg i blagoslovenijeg od služenja drugima. Uvek nas ohrabre i dodatno motivišu reči koje čitamo u Jovanovom evanđelju 12:26: “Ako ko meni služi – neka ide za mnom, i gde sam ja, onde će biti i moj služitelj; ako ko meni služi, njega će poštovati Otac.“

Hvala vam mnogo na molitvama i svakom drugom vidu podrške.

Želimo vam svaki blagoslov.

Riste i tim HUB-a


Our dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, 

DSCI2059By God’s grace, week 8 of this semester has finished. The week was marked by the beginning of spring in HUB. The students had the opportunities to spend their free time walking, playing football, playing the guitar and singing in the school yard, riding a bicycle, walking to the river Danube, playing board games… All of that is a part of the beauty of life in HUB.

We had a very rich last week when it comes to classes. The students had lectures on the epistle of Galatians, taught by Richard Hall from America, then on the second part of the Gospel of John with Steve Luibrand, as well as Song of Songs with Miro Cizmanski.

 Visit to churches

We were in Celarevo, near Novi Sad, where we held two services in the Baptist church, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. This was the first time for HUB to be at that church, but we were very warmly welcomed. Just as they were encouraged by us, we were encouraged by them. The church was very happy with our coming, and we already arranged the date together for our next visit to them next semester. DSCI2129

We are thankful to our God for using us in this way and that we can serve a great number of churches of different denominations in this way. One of the students told us:  “This is the greatest blessing for me in the school. Wherever I go, I meet new brothers and sisters. ” 

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word”. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Many blessings to all,


Riste and the HUB team


Dragi naši prijatelji, braćo i sestre u Hristu,

DSCI2059Po Božijoj milosti završila se i osma nedelja ovog semestra. Ovu nedelju obeležio je početak proleća u HUB-u. Studenti su imali prilike da svoje slobodno vreme provode u šetnji, igranju fudbala, sviranju i pevanju u dvorištu škole, u vožnji bicikla, šetnji do reke Dunav, igranju društvenih igara… Sve to je deo lepote života u HUB-u.

Protekla nedelja je bila bogata i kada su u pitanju predavanja. Studenti su imali predavanja iz poslanice Galatima koja im je držao Ričard Hol iz Amerike, drugi deo evanđelja po Jovanu sa Stivom Luibrandom, kao i Pesmu nad pesmama sa Mirom Čizmanskim.

 Poseta crkvama

Bili smo u Čelarevu, blizu Novog Sada, gde smo održali dve službe u Baptističkoj crkvi, jednu pre podne a drugu posle podne. HUB je uDSCI2129 toj crkvi bio po prvi put, i bili smo veoma lepo ugošćeni. Kao što smo mi njih ohrabrili, tako su i oni nas. Crkva je bila veoma zadovoljna našim dolaskom, i odmah smo se dogovorili da ih posetimo i u sledećem semestru.

Zahvalni smo našem Gospodu što nas koristi na ovaj način, i što možemo služiti velikom broju crkava različitih denominacija. Jedan od studenata nam je rekao: “Ovo mi je najveći blagoslov u školi, da kud god idem, upoznajem novu braću i sestre.”

“A naš Gospod, Isus Hristos, i Bog, naš Otac, koji nas je zavoleo i svojom milošću nam dao večnu utehu u dobru nadu, neka uteši vaše srce i učvrsti vas u svakom dobrom deluju i rečima”. 2 Solunjanima 2:16-17

Svaki blagoslov želi vam,

Riste i tim HUB-a

HUB Bible School – 03/05/2013

Our dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

DSCI2057Last week in our school was marked by the visit of a guest teacher Steve Jeffery, the pastor of the Emmanuel Evangelical Church in London, who taught the book of Judges and Introduction to Systematic Theology. Steve worked with the students tirelessly, and not just in classes. The students would gather around him every day, asking many theological and everyday, practical questions. Steve showed them a real example of serving to God.

We are thankful that God is sending teachers who not only teach theory, but teach our students practically. Other than our long-time teachers from Serbia, most of our teachers come from abroad, mostly UK and USA. Every teacher in HUB teaches voluntarily and takes time to work here. Some of them even use their annual leave to come and serve us. In such a way, they are an important part and support of this Bible school, and the work of the school would be unimaginable without them.

Thank God that these teachers are a part of our ministry, and also we are thankful to each one of them for the work, time and sacrifice invested.

Last week we were visited by the Gideons International, who held a two-day seminar in our facilities. They were very pleased with the school’s hospitality and service. DSCI2061

During one year, in HUB facilities many seminars and camps of different organizations are held. In the last few years, HUB has become attractive for many Christian organizations, who show ever greater interest for the use of our building’s facilities. This year, we will host six youth and children’s camps. We are honored and pleased to be a part of it all, and that we can serve young people from churches and be the place where many are committing their lives to Christ.

Serving in churches with the students

On Saturday, we had a practical day, when we went to a youth meeting in Pancevo, where we served. On Sunday, we spent the whole day visiting and serving to two churches in the nort of Serbia – in Lalic and Silbas. In the meantime, we had a great time hanging out with the youth from the church in Lalic, as well as with the people from the church in Silbas. It was a really beautiful and blessed day.

Week 7  is over, and now we’re ready for new challenges and happenings in the school, in ministry for the Lord. Thank you for reading our news and supporting us in prayer.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:15)

Riste and the HUB team

Biblijska škola HUB – 05. 03. 2013.

Dragi naši prijatelji, braćo i sestre u Hristu,

DSCI2057Proteklu nedelju u našoj školi obeležilo je gostovanje predavača Stiva Džefrija, pastora Emanuel evanđeoske crkve u Londonu, koji je predavao Knjigu o Sudijama i uvod u sistematsku teologiju. Stiv je neumorno radio sa studentima, i to ne samo na časovima. Svakog dana su se studenti okupljali oko njega, sa raznim teološkim i svakodnevnim, praktičnim pitanjima. Stiv je pokazao pravi primer služenja Bogu.

Zahvaljujemo Bogu što šalje predavače koji ne samo da predaju teoriju, već i praktično podučavaju naše studente. Pored naših dugogodišnjih predavača iz Srbije, većina predavača dolazi iz inostranstva, uglavnom iz Engleske i SAD. Svaki predavač u HUB-u podučava volonterski i odvaja vreme za rad ovde. Neki od njih čak i koriste svoje godišnje odmore da bi došli i poslužili nam. Oni su na taj način važan deo i podrška ove biblijske škole, i bez njih se ne bi mogao zamisliti rad škole.

Hvala Bogu što su ovi predavači deo naše službe, a hvala i svakom od njih ponaosob za uloženi trud, vreme i žrtvu.

Prošle nedelje su nam u poseti bili i Gideoniti koji su u prostorijama naše škole održali dvodnevni seminar. Bili su veoma zadovoljni gostoprimstvom i uslugom škole.DSCI2061

U toku jedne godine, u prostorijama HUB-a održavaju se mnogi seminari i kampovi raznih organizacija. U poslednjih nekoliko godina, HUB je postao privlačan za razne hrišćanske organizacije, koje sve češće pokazuju interesovanje za korišćenje prostora naše zgrade. Ovoga leta bićemo domaćini za čak šest omladinskih i dečijih kampova. Čast nam je i zadovoljstvo što smo deo toga, i što možemo da poslužimo mladima iz crkava i budemo mesto gde mnogi predaju svoj život Hristu.

Služenje sa studentima u crkvama

U subotu smo imali praktičan dan, kada smo išli na omladinski sastanak u Pančevo, gde smo služili. U nedelju smo ceo dan bili u poseti dvema crkvama na severu Srbije – u Laliću i Silbašu. Prepodnevnu službu smo imali u Laliću, a poslepodnevnu u Silbašu. U međuvremenu smo se lepo proveli družeći se sa mladima iz crkve u Laliću, kao i sa ljudima iz crkve u Silbašu. Bio je to zaista lep i blagosloven dan.

7. nedelja se završila, a sada smo spremni za nove izazove i dešavanja u školi u službi za Gospoda. Hvala vam što čitate naše vesti i podržavate nas u molitvi.

I mir Hristov neka vlada u vašim srcima, na koji ste i pozvani u jednom telu; i zahvalni budite. (Kološanima 3:15)

Riste i tim HUB-a