HUB Bible School – 02/27/2013

                     Our dear brothers and sisters in Christ,


The sixth week has finished, the exams and the main essays finished with it. The students worked hard and scored good results on the  exam. Their average score was 80%. Even though the students were happy with the results, they are now even more motivated to study the Word of God even harder on the following exams.

Visits to Churches

Even in this busy week we visited three fellowships where mainly our former students serve. On Thursday, we visited the Pentacostal church in Kikinda for the first time, which our students Miloš Tatomir attends. On Suday morning we visited the Baptist church in Padina, where our student Vladimir Horniaček serves, and in the afternoon we visited the Baptist church in Kikinda where our students Duško Martinov and Darko Kokan serve.

On average, we visit about 30-40 churches across the whole Serbia during the year.


Prayer request:

Lately, we’ve been in need for a person who would serve in the school as a cook. It is a very significant ministry, with a great responibility, but a great blessing too. Please pray that God would give us the right person who would serve in this way in our school. Thank you for supporting us in this way too.

Thank God for the successful last week and for everything that he did and used for his glory.
For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen


(Romans 11:36)

Riste and the HUB team

Biblijska škola HUB – 27. 02. 2013.

       Draga naša braćo i sestre u Hristu,

SAM_0477Šesta nedelja se završila, a sa njom i ispiti i glavni eseji. Studenti su marljivo učili i pokazali dobar rezultat na ispitu. Prosek koji su postigli bio je 80%. Iako su studenti bili zadovoljni rezultatima, bili su još motivisaniji da se još više posvete proučavanju Božije Reči za naredne ispite.

Posete crkvama 

I u ovako užurbanoj nedelji posetili smo 3 zajednice gde služe uglavnom naši bivši studenti. U četvrtak smo po prvi put bili u Pentakostalnoj crkvi u Kikindi, u koju ide naš bivši student Miloš Tatomir. U nedelju pre podne posetili smo Baptističku crkvu u Padini gde služi naš student Vladimir Horniaček, a posle podne Baptističku crkvu u Kikindi, u kojoj služe naši  studenti Duško Martinov i Darko Kokan.

U proseku, u jednoj godini zajedno sa studentima posetimo oko 30-40 različitih crkava širom cele Srbije.


Molitvena potreba:

Već dugo vremena imamo potrebu za osobom koja bi služila u školi kao kuvar. To je veoma značajna služba, koja nosi veliku odgovornost, ali i velike blagoslove. Molimo vas da se  molite da nam Bog da pravu osobu koja bi služila na ovaj način u našoj školi. Hvala vam što nas i na taj način podržavate.

Hvala Bogu za uspešno proteklu nedelju i za sve što je učinio i upotrebio sebi na slavu.
“Jer, sve je od njega, kroz njega i za njega. Njemu slava doveka! Amin.”
(Rimljanima 11:36)
Riste i tim HUB-a

Life in the Bible School 02/18/2013


The 5th week of the 2nd semester at HUB has finished, which means that half of the semester is over. The students’ days have been passing so quickly that it seems to them it’s been only five days. There have been many activities, much fellowship, studying, reading, visits to individuals and churches. Often, we hear the students say they couldn’t study from the Word of God so intensely and learn so actively if they were at home right now.

The end of the fifth week is especially challenging for the students, because that is when they should give in their main essays and finish preparations for taking the big exam at the beginning of the next week. At the exam, the students will be tested on the knowledge on all the books of the Bible they have covered during the 5 weeks, and there will be 10 books altogether. These days, everything is marked by studying and preparing for the exam.

We asked some of the members of our team what their experience of the life and ministry at the Bible school was. Elenka and Marijana have been a part of the HUB team for a long time, and they are well-known among the former and the current students. Here are their experiences, “In 1999, I was a student of the school, and for over 12 years I’ve been working with the students on things like administration, worship ministry and other practical things”, Elenka says. “It is a great wealth to have contacts with about SAM_0475300students, with whom I have great friendships and mutual experiences with God. HUB is a real spiritual rehab for me, which enables young people to become workers on the field of God.“ Marijana adds to that, “After a longer period of ministry here, I’ve gained a lot of experience, responsibility, and most importantly, closeness with God. Through many former and current students, God’s been teaching me that we’re all different, but one before God. Serving one another is something that Jesus himself teaches us, which is why it is a great privilege for me to be a part f HUB.”

God’s hand has been over HUB for over 17 years. He has been leading this school, taking care of its every need and enabling the continuation of its work. To Him be all the glory for everything that He does through this school and the people serving here.

Thank you so much for being a part of this ministry through prayers and every other form of support.

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Riste and the HUB team

Život u Biblijskoj školi 18. 02. 2013.


Završila se i peta nedelja drugog semestra u HUB-u, što znači da je prošlo već pola semesta. Studentima su dani tako brzo prolazili da im se čini da je prošlo tek 5 dana. Bilo je mnogo aktivnosti, mnogo zajedništva, učenja, čitanja, poseta pojedincima i crkvama…Često čujemo studente kako kažu da ne bi mogli tako intenzivno proučavati Božiju Reč i tako aktivno učiti da se sada nalaze kod kuće.

Završetak pete nedelje u semestru posebno je izazovan za studente, zato što tada predaju svoje glavne eseje i pripremaju se za polaganje velikog ispita početkom sledeće nedelje. Na tom ispitu studenti proveravaju svoje znanje iz svih biblijskih knjiga koje su prošli za prethodnih pet nedelja, a njih će na ispitu biti deset. Ovih dana sve je u znaku učenja i priprema za ispit.

Pitali smo neke od članova našeg tima kako oni doživljavaju život i službu u Biblijskoj školi. Elenka i Marijana su dugogodišnji članovi tima HUB-a, veoma poznate među bivšim i sadašnjim studentima. Evo kakva su njihova iskustva: „1999. godine sam bila student škole, a već više od 12 godina radim sa studentima stvari kao što su administracija, služba slavljenja i još neke praktične stvari“, kaže Elenka, „Veliko je bogatstvo imati kontakte sa oko 300 studenata, sa kojima imam velika prijateljstva i zajednička iskustva sa Bogom. HUB je za mene prava duhovna rehabilitacija koja osposobljava mlade ljude da postanu radnici na Božijem polju.“ SAM_0475Marijana na to dodaje: „Posle dužeg vremena službe ovde, stekla sam veliko iskustvo, odgovornost i, najvažnije od svega, blizinu sa Bogom. Kroz mnoge bivše i sadašnje studente, Bog me je učio da smo svi različiti, ali jedno pred Bogom.Služba jednih drugima je nešto čemu nas sam Isus podučava, i zato je za mene velika privilegija da budem deo HUB-a.“

Božija ruka je nad HUB-om već 17 godina. On vodi ovu školu, brine za svaku potrebu i omogućava nastavak njenog rada. Samo Njemu pripada slava za sve što čini kroz ovu školu i ljude koji ovde služe.

Hvala vam puno što ste deo ove službe kroz molitve i svaki drugi vid podrške.

Jer, mi smo njegovo delo, stvoreni u Hristu Isusu za dobra dela koja je Bog unapred pripremio da ih činimo.“ Efescima 2:10

Riste i tim HUB-a

News from the Bible School 2/11/2013

Our dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

The fourth week of the 2nd semester at HUB has just finished. It is really wonderful to serve at this place and watch every day how God is preparing the students for His work and how they’re growing in the knowledge of the Word of God and becoming ever more similar to our Lord Jesus. One of our students, Vladimir Vranka, who has spent four weeks altogether at the school, told us, “God brought me to this school. The school is truly God’s work, where He started revealing Himself to me and speaking to me in many situations: through people, studying, worship songs and everything else. I haven’t had a chance to experience it to such an extent before. I see that I’m at the right place and it’s exactly what I wanted. “

Classes at School

Last week, our school was visited for the first time by a guest teacher Mark van Bebber. Mark is from America, but he’s lived and worked in Budapest for 16 years already. He taught The Book of Daniel, a book which always triggers many questions. He was very successful at helping the students understand it.SAM_0313

Practical Day

For many years, an associate and teacher of the Bible school Steve Luibrand, has been conducting the mission of bringing the Gospel into every home in Banat (a province in Serbia) together with the students. Here’s his description of the experience: “About 5 years ago, I began to take students out to do evangelism in the villages around this part of Banat. In people’s mailboxes we put Christian literature, in the back of which there is a card that people can send in and receive a free New Testament and Bible course. We also try to have conversations about God with people on the street. Later, if someone sends in the card, I take a couple students with me to establish a personal contact. We have had many good experiences through this work. Most of all, it helps the students to learn to explain their faith to those who may disagree, to overcome their fears and to rely on God’s strength. Our prayer and hope is that through these contacts, home Bible studies may be started in the villages, many of which have no evangelical church.“

Visit to Church in Parta

This is a fellowship of our former students Nenad and Dusanka Kalaji, as well as Jovana Dima. We were glad to see them close to God and serving in church. Our ex-students are always encouraged when we visit them. They say that, in such a way, they see that we really think of them. All of our students are a part of the big HUB family and are always in our prayers. As apostle Paul put it:SAM_0398

“In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy  because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,  being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.“ Philippians 1:4-6

Thank you very much for your support and prayers. We wish you every blessing in the Lord.

Riste and the HUB team

Vesti iz Biblijske škole 11. II 2013.

Dragi naši prijatelji, braćo i sestre u Hristu,

Završila se i četvrta nedelja drugog semestra u HUB-u.  Stvarno je divno služiti na ovom mestu i svakodnevno gledati kako Bog priprema studente za njegovo delo, kako oni rastu u poznavanju Božije Reči  i postaju sve sličniji našem Gospodu Isusu. Jedan od naših studenata, Vladimir Vranka, kojem je ovo bila četvrta nedelja u školi, rekao nam je sledeće: „Bog me je doveo u ovu školu. Škola je stvarno Božije delo, gde mi se Bog počeo otkrivati i govoriti u mnogim situacijama:  kroz ljude, kroz studiranje, kroz pesme slavljenja i sve ostalo. Nisam imao prilike da to u tolikoj meri ranije doživim. Vidim da sam na pravom mestu i upravo je to ono što sam želeo. “

Predavanja u školi

Prvi put prošle nedelje našu školu je posetio gost predavač Mark van Beber. Mark je iz Amerike, ali već 16 godina živi i radi u Budimpešti. Predavao je Knjigu proroka Danila, koja uvek sa sobom nosi mnoga pitanja. Studentima je knjigu približio na uspešan SAM_0313način.

Praktičan dan

Dugo godina unazad, saradnik i predavač Biblijske škole Stiv Luibrand, zajedno sa studentima sprovodi u delo misiju donošenja evanđelja u svaku kuću u Banatu. Evo kako on opisuje to iskustvo: „Pre oko 5 godina, počeo sam da vodim studente na evangelizaciju po okružnim selima u Banatu. U poštansku sandučad stavljamo hrišćansku literaturu, na poleđini koje se nalazi kartica koju ljudi mogu da pošalju i dobiju besplatan Novi zavet i biblijski kurs. Takođe se trudmo da započnemo razgovore o Bogu sa ljudima na ulici. Kasnije, ako neko pošalje dopisnicu, sa sobom povedem nekoliko studenata da bismo uspostavili lični kontakt. Imali smo mnogo lepih iskustava kroz ovaj rad. To uglavnom pomaže studentima da  nauče da objašnjavaju svoju veru onima koji se sa njom ne slažu, da pobeđuju svoje strahove i da se oslanjaju na Božiju snagu. Naša molitva i nada jeste da se kroz ove kontakte osnuju kućne biblijske grupe u tim selima, od kojih mnoga nemaju  evanđeoske crkve.“

Poseta crkvi u Parti

To je zajednica naših bivših studenata, Nenada i Dušanke Kalaji, kao i Jovane Dime. Drago nam je što vidimo da su blizu Bogu i da služe u crkvi. Naši bivši studenti su uvek ohrabreni kada ih posetimo. Oni kažu da tako vide da zaista mislimo na njih. Svi naši studenti su deo velike HUB-ove porodice i uvek su u našim molitvama. Kao što kaže apostol Pavle:SAM_0398

„U svakoj molitvi za vas uvek se s radošću molim zbog vašeg udela u evanđelju od prvog dana do sada, uveren u ovo: Onaj, koji je u vama započeo dobro delo, dovršiće ga do dana Hrista Isusa.“ Filipljanima 1:4-6

Hvala puno i za vašu podršku i molitve. Želimo vam svaki blagoslov u Gospodu.

Riste i tim HUB-a.

Novosti iz Biblijske škole

Dragi prijatelji, braćo i sestre u Hristu,

Pišemo vam sa najnovijim vestima o dešavanjima u Biblijskoj školi HUB.

Drugi semestar je počeo u ponedeljak, 14. januara, i taj dan je za sve nas  bio poseban. Studenti su se vratili nakon pet nedelja provedenih kod kuće, a njihove prve reči bile su da nisu mogli da dočekaju da se vrate. Nedostajali su im izazovi i blagoslovi koje im je Bog davao kroz proučavanje Njegove Reči, kao i život zajedništva u školi.

Tri nedelje je već prošlo od početka semestra, i već su se mnoge lepe stvari izdešavale. U prvoj nedelji studenti su proučavali evanđelje po Marku i Ponovljene zakone sa našim dugogodišnjim predavačem Rodžerom Pirsom. Rodžerov način podučavanja je veoma praktičan. Njegov cilj je da studentima postavi temelje za dalje proučavanje knjiga koje predaje. On želi da studenti zapamte po jedan događaj iz svakog poglavlja evanđelja po Marku, kao i najvažnija poglavlja Ponovljenih zakona. Studenti su priglili ovakav način podučavanja, pa su jedni druge na pauzi između časova rado ispitivali i preslišavali o tome šta su zapamtili.

Sledeće nedelje predavač je bio Vladimir Majerski koji je predavao 1. Samuilovu knjigu. I on već duže vreme verno i pouzdano predaje u našoj školi, na naše zadovoljstvo i zadovoljstvo studenata.

Treća nedelja je počela i završila se predavanjima iz Poslanice Rimljanima, koja drži Roni Stivens, pastor Međunarodne crkve u Budimpešti. Njegova predavanja se uvek dugo očekuju. Ona zahtevaju duboko razmišljanje i uključenost u predavanja.

students 17 gen 2Studentima se kroz njih otkrivaju velike istine, i mnogi svedoče da im Bog posebno govori upravo kroz ovu divnu poslanicu.

Pastor Roni Stivens nam je rekao kakvi su njegovi utisci o školi, i o ovoj generaciji: „Ovo je verovatno dvanaesti put da podučavam u HUB-u, a drugi put da podučavam baš ovu grupu studenata. Moji utisci su veoma pozitivni kada je u pitanju njihova ljubav za Gospoda i njihova ozbiljnost u proučavanju Biblije. Postavljaju inteligentna, teološki osnovana i praktično korisna pitanja. Pažljivo su slušali i stalno hvatali beleške. Čast mi je što sam njihov učitelj i što mogu bolje lično da ih upoznam. Sve mi to budi veliku nadu za hrišćanstvo u ovom delu sveta.“

Praktični dani i posete crkvama

Praktični dani i nedelje jesu omiljeni dani za studente, kada mogu praktično da posluže drugim ljudima. U toku ove tri nedelje bili smo u mnogim posetama, na različitim mestima, podeljeni u različite grupe. Do sada smo posetili četiri porodice koje imaju decu sa invaliditetom, koje su dve godine učestvovale na porodičnim kampovima u čijoj smo organizaciji mi učestvovali. Od prvog kampa, mi već tri godine u svakom semestru bar po jednom ili dvaput odlazimo kod njih, a njihovi domovi su uvek širom otvoreni za Biblijsku školu i studente. Naše posete im uvek pričinjavaju radost, jer dobijaju poštovanje i ljubav od nas. I njihova deca su presrećna kada ih posetimo. Evo izjave jedne majke čije dete ima autizam: Mi kao roditelji smo oduševljeni time što nam Biblijska škola dolazi u posetu sa studentima. Naša ćerka je veoma usamljena, a kada oni dođu ona je raspoložena i srećna. Živimo u takvom vremenu da su ljudi usmereni samo na sebe, a vi pokazujete tu nesebičnu ljubav. Različiti ste i zbog toga što odvajate vreme za nas. Naš dom je uvek otvoren za vas. Hvala vam mnogo što to radite.“

Slava Bogu što otvara vrata tamo gde možemo da praktično pokažemo njegovu ljubav, da ljudi to mogu da vide i da upoznaju Njega.

Drugi primer posete u kojoj smo bili, jeste poseta studenata Ljubi i Nadi, dvema sestrama koje boluju od mišićne distrofije i koje su smeštene u dom za odrasla invalidna lica u Beogradu. One su naše dve drage seste u Hristu, kojima idemo u posetu već 5-6 godina, otkako je Elenka stupila u kontakt sa njima. Za studente su veliki blagoslov i ohrabrenje. Ni jedan student nije mogao otići iz posete njima netaknut.

kod ljube i nade 2

Utisci  Ljube i Nade: „Godinama unazad imamo tu radost da povremeno studenti HUB-a dođu kod nas u Dom i tom prilikom podele sa nama svoju životnu priču. 
Svaka priča je veličanstvena jer g
ovori o silnom i milostivom Bogu koji je zahvatio duboko u njihov život i učinio ih novim stvorenjima, Njemu na slavu. To su mladi ljudi koji sada žele više upoznati Boga i Njegovu Reč i posvetiti mu svoj život i službu. Svaka generacija je posebna i uvek su nam bili ohrabrenje svojom ljubavlju, vedrinom, pesmom, šalama…  Zahvalne smo Bogu da smo mogle upoznati neke studente i ove generacije koji su nam ovih dana bili takođe na veliki blagoslov.“

Posete crkvama


Ovog semestra došli smo na ideju da posetimo crkve koje nikada nismo posećivali, posebno crkve koje su male i koje nemaju dodir sa drugim vernicima. Prošle nedelje bili smo u poseti Beloj Crkvi, jednom mestu na jugu Banata, blizu rumunske granice. U tom malom mestu ima dve evanđeoske crkve, Crkva Božija i Baptistička. Mi smo bili u Baptističkoj. Crkva je mala, sa svega nekih 15 članova. Tamo smo služili sa pesmama, svedočanstvom i propovedi iz Božije Reči. Ljudi su zaista bili radosni, ohrabreni i blagosloveni našom posetom. Veoma su nas lepo ugostili i rekli nam da bi voleli da ih ponovo posetimo.

Sve u svemu, novi semestar u HUB-u je već uveliko počeo! Ovo je samo naš skroman pokušaj da vam dočaramo koliko u svemu tome doživljavamo ohrabrenja i blagoslova i koliko imamo veliku čast da služimo našem Gospodu i vidimo kako nas On koristi u životima mnogih. Uskoro ćemo vas obavestiti o tome kako se priča nastavlja. Do tada, želimo vam da uživate i rastete u našem Gospodu Isusu Hristu.

Molite se i dalje za našu službu u HUB-u i za studente.

„Žetva je obilna, ali je radnika malo. Zato molite Gospodara žetve da pošalje radnike za svoju žetvu.“ Matej 9:37-38

Riste i tim HUB-a

News from the Bible School

Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

We are writing with the latest news on the happenings at HUB Bible school.

The 2nd semester started on Monday, January 14, and that day was special to all of us. The students came back after five weeks spent at home and their first words were that they couldn’t wait to come back. They missed the challenges and the blessings that God was giving them through the study of His word, and the life of fellowship in the school.

There have already been three weeks since the beginning of the semester, and many wonderful things have happened. The 1st week, the students studied the Gospel of Mark and Deuteronomy, with our longtime teacher Roger Pearce. Roger’s way of teaching is very practical. His goal is to set the foundations to the students for the further studying of the books he teaches. He wants the students to remember one event from each of the chapters of Mark, as well as the most important chapters of Deuteronomy. The students embraced this way of teaching, so they gladly questioned and tested one another on what they remembered during the breaks between classes.

The week after, Vladimir Majersky taught 2. Samuel. He also has been teaching at our school for a long time faithfully and reliably, to our pleasure and the pleasure of the students.

The third week began and finished with the lessons on the Epistle of Romans, taught by Ronnie Stevens, pastor of the International church in Budapest. His lessons are always eagerly expected. They demand deep thinking and involvement into classes. Through them the students are revealed great truths, and many testify that God is speaking to them especially through this wonderful epistle.

students 17 gen 2

Pastor Ronnie Stevens told us his impressions about the school and this generation: “This is probably the 12th time that I’ve taught at HUB and the 2nd time that I’ve taught this particular group of students. I would say that I’m very positively impressed with their love for the Lord and their seriousness about Bible study. They ask intelligent, theologically grounded, practically helpful questions. They paid great attention, they consistently took notes and it’s a privilege to be their teacher and get to know them personally. It makes me hopeful about the future of Christianity in this part of the world.” 

Practical days and visits to churches

Practical days and Sundays are the students’ favorite days, when they can practically serve other people. During these three weeks, we’ve been to many visits, at different places, split into different groups. So far we have visited four families with disabled children,  that took part for two years at the Family Retreat, the organization of which we have helped. Since the first Retreat, for three years we have been visiting them at least once or twice per semester, and their homes are always wide open for the Bible school and the students. Our visits always make them happy, because they receive respect and love from us. Their children are also happy when we visit them. Here’s a statement of a mother whose child has autism: “As parents, we are thrilled by the fact that the Bible school is coming to visit us with the students. Our daughter is very lonely, but when they come, she is excited and happy. We live at such time that people are looking only to themselves, but you show us this sacrificial love. Thank you so much for doing it.”

Praise God that He opens the doors of the places where we can show his love, so that people can see it and trust in Him.

Another example of the visit we were at, is the students’ visit to Ljuba and Nada, two sisters who have muscular dystrophy, who live in a Nursing home for adult disabled people in Belgrade. They are two of our dear sisters in Christ, who we have been visiting for 5-6 years already, ever since Elenka got in touch with them. They are a huge blessing and an encouragement for the students. No student could ever leave their place, without feeling touched.


kod ljube i nade 2

The impressions of Ljuba and Nada: “Years aback we have the joy of having the HUB students come to our Home occasionally and share their life stories with us then. Each story is magnificent because it speaks about an awesome and gracious God who has gotten deep into their lives and made them new creation, to His glory. They are young people who want to get to know God and His Word better, and devote their lives and ministries to Him. Each generation is special and they have always been an encouragement to us with their love, their joy, their songs, their jokes… We are thankful to God that we were able to get to know some of the students of this generation too who were also a huge blessing to us these days. “

Visists to churches


This semester we came to an idea to visit churches that we never have visited, especially those that are small that have no contact with other believers. Last week, we were at Bela Crkva, a small place at the South of Banat, close to Romanian border. There are two evangelical churches in the place, the Church of God and the Baptist church. We were at the Baptist church. It is a small church, with only about 15 members. We served them by singing songs, sharing the testimonies and preaching from the Word of God. People were really excited, encouraged and blessed by our visit. They welcomed us warmly and said that they’d love for us to visit them again.

All in all, the happenings at HUB have started to the full! This was just our humble attempt to portray how much encouraged and blessed we are through all this and how privileged we are to serve our Lord and see Him used in the lives of many. We will soon let you know about how the story goes on. Until then, we wish you to enjoy and grow in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please keep praying for our ministry at HUB and the students.

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38

Riste and the HUB team