Bethlehem Night in Kraljevo

Dear friends, brothers and sisters,

I congratulate you all on Christmas and New Year, we wish you an abundance of joy, love and blessings from the Lord.
As you know in Central Serbia is mainly celebrated Orthodox Christmas (7.jan) and New Year (14.jan), so we are still in the old year!!!     🙂
Anyway, here is a short news about our ministry in the Lord at the time of the most joyous holidays throughout the year.    My family with the help of friends who were part of our group to study the Bible and many other friends have organized a full-evening program for children of all associations of disabled persons, it was wonderful.                                   Слика Слика

The program we started with the youngest members of the choir of music school, who sang beautiful Christmas carols and then we played a show on the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, called “Night in Bethlehem.” The children were fascinated by, at most they liked the scene with the Emperor Herod, we managed to elicit joy and laughter on their faces, and most importantly, finally, the children had the opportunity to know what is Christmas and also to remind adults. If you like the video:


After the play, we present the gospel message and eventually split shoe boxes, over 100 New Testaments and 200 calendars with Bible verses, we hope and pray to give it all to good effect, that people began to read the Bible.СликаСликаСлика050120131248 The next thing on the horizon is a three-day children’s club in a Gypsy settlement, until then … a blessing!

Family Gecan

First shoebox

Dear brothers, sisters, friends,
Only a few sentences I would like to inform you, encourage you and thank you in relation to the shoe box gifts, because I believe that some of you have packed at least one of them.
The first day we went for the first time in Novi Pazar in a specialist hospital where children were peering in the window waiting for us. Smiles on their faces, the hospitality, the warmth of the heart, they are indicators of how each child was glad to have visited them.
The other day we were in Kraljevo in a special school, where they were prepared for us a nice program, even the children from a nearby village took part playing in folk dance, we all really enjoyed the atmosphere of Christmas.
In the end we visited an association with not-so-nice name, “Association of Families of Kidnapped and Missing Persons with Kosovo and Metohija” was indeed a real privilege in this way to show Christian love to the families. What makes us most happy is that they were happy, open to dialogue and the most that we share about 40 new Testament and many other references, praise the Lord!

And just for the end to mention that we are able to implement all this with brother Phil and


Alan and sisters Michelle and Valerie from the UK.

To all of you who are part of our team, thank you very much for your support and prayers.
We wish you peace and love of

God Mission K

СликаСликаСликаraljevo-family Gecan.


Dear Friends,
I just wanted a few sentences and images to present you as the Lord of our wonderfully blessed weekend.
On Friday, we had help from students from the HUB, we did not waste  time, we immediately went to the division of flyers for correspondence Bible course and then had a joint workshop with the members of the association in patients with cerebral palsy, it was wonderful to see the students enjoying themselves together with these wonderful people.
Saturday was our main day, throughout the day we had an open evangelism in the city center, it is a celebration, clothes, books, plays for children, friendship bracelets …

















I am very glad that myfriends Dejan and Mark (who usually come in a group home) were with us all day.                   The whole action was definitely the glory of God, but on this occasion we have once again demonstrated the love of God through the collection of money for little Tamara who is suffering from cancer and in need of money for an operation in Russia, this gave a very positive view of all Protestant Christians , people are quite happy to take our New Testament and gave his money to the Tamara!

The weekend is over, the students returned to school, but we stayed richer for another evangelism and (we believe) for at least one more to rescued soul. Praise the Lord!
It remains to please and serve well, and we invite you to continue with your valuable prayers for God’s kingdom, and that in Kraljevo,
your family Gecan



The Serbian word that best describes this experience so far is “Strava” which means Awesome”

It’s awesome that so many people from vastly different backgrounds and experiences have come together to share this time and already after what seems like at least a week, but which is merely 3 long days, there is incredible bonding as we share this work, putting our hands to things we’ve never tried before (I’ve never laid lino, a gravel road or used a ride on mower, but hey! What fun.)

More than that we’ve shared our faith in our conversations as we’ve worked together preparing this place for the children & young people with whom the team here will have the privilege of sharing the good news of Jesus who can transform their lives as he has transformed ours.

Today we met an incredible guy called Jovitsa, a Serbian Christian who felt called by God to move to Kraljevo, a city 15 or so miles from here. I’d met him at the Bible School a few years back. As he was talking with us his phone went off. Was it a surprise to hear the tune: “Our God is an AWESOME God.”

Along with so many others on this trip I thank God for all he has done in my life and all He is doing here and still has planned.

Ending with one of my favourite verses (from Jeremiah 29:11) “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; Plans to give you a hope and a future.” What a promise for us and for Serbia!

– Mervyn Roberts

“If a man loves God he will show his love by caring for others…”

Jovica and Kaca continue to do all they can to share with those around them in their new home city of Kraljevo about the God who cares so much that He sent Jesus Christ to die for us.
Recently they heard about a family living in very poor conditions, without water or other simple necessities.  Jovica went to use his skills to install a bathroom and to decorate their home…
Serbian television heard about what he had been doing…

TV PRESENTER: “This is  Jovica Gecan, leader of the Baptist Church who helped many people following the earthquake.”

JOVICA: “If a man loves God he can’t only go into the street and shout, ‘I love God’ but he will show his love for God by caring for others – particularly those he has never met before.”

It seems that many deeply appreciate Jovica and Kaca’s presence in the city.  Acquaintances are intrigued by the thought that there may be a God who can so change a person’s heart that he would step out to show this sort of kindness.  As Jovica and Kaca continue to carefully explain their motivation and point to the risen Jesus Christ revealed in the Bible, their lives are having a great impact…

Click below to see a clip from this news programme.

Click here to view clip of Jovica on news

News from the Earthquake Zone in Kraljevo – Jovica writes…

Jovica on a roof with an improvised crane.

“I’d like to share with you what has happened here in Kraljevo. 

“We planned that five people would come for five days.  SIXTEEN people come for TWO WEEKS!  We’ve worked in SEVENTEEN locations repairing roofs, walls and chimneys.

“This has all had a great impact and been much appreciated in the area…

“I am sending some pictures!”

– Jovica

On the roofs above Kraljevo, a team of sixteen helped to prepare the damaged houses for the winter.A new roof takes shape.
A new roof takes shape.

Earthquake in Central Serbia – Jovica & Kaca Request our Prayer

This morning, Kraljevo was the centre of an earthquake in Serbia that was felt even 200kms away in Belgrade.  Two were killed and scores have been injured.

Graduates Jovica and Kaca moved to Kraljevo to begin to plant a church there this summer time…  (Click here to read more about their move)  They are safe but appreciate our prayer.

As we spoke, Jovica described how many in the town fear after shocks.  He collected his son from the hospital where he had been receiving treatment for a lung infection before the earthquake struck as some fear that the building is now not safe.

Jovica and Kaca feel that at times such as these – when we feel our vulnerability – that many ask more searching questions about their lives.  Pray with them that this would be a time of great opportunities to serve their community and speak about the Lord Jesus.

“Half an hour ago there was another aftershock.  It is good to be here in Kraljevo at this time so that we stand with these people.  Many are outside their homes now.  I will be helping people to repair  their roofs, speaking with people.  Pray for us and for the people of Kraljevo – may God bring these people to Himself.  Thank you for your prayer.”

Click here for a 1 minute video and to read about the quake on the BBC

A “Chance” Meeting on the Motorway – a Family Takes a Massive Step of Faith.

Driving down the main highway between Belgrade and Nis, we suddenly see a figure standing in the hard shoulder.  He’s waving his arms as though trying to land a helicopter.  As the bus flies pass, we catch a glimpse of the face of Jovica – graduate of the Bible School.

Moments later, his car is beside us and he signals through the window.  We agree to pull over at the next service station…

Standing on the verge beside the coach, all of us listen as he is translated through the coach microphone.  Kaca – his wife – stands beside him along with their children.  We are amazed to hear that this is the day his family, after a lifetime of living in the relative comfort of the North, are taking the massive step of moving to the spiritually barren South to help to plant a church.

Jovica and Kaca – several years earlier – studied for a year at the Bible College.  The course takes students through the whole of the Bible in a year and is very practical – our prayer is that through it, men and women will grow in their knowledge of God and be prepared by Him to reach their communities.  (Read more about it at on the links at the top of the pages…)

With deep emotion, Jovica and his family listen to our prayers for them all.  Jovica, Kaca and the children seem deeply encouraged that God should arrange for this meeting.  It is the one day that an Oak Hall coach is travelling down this road – it coincides with the one most momentous day that this family ventures to take this massive step of faith…

“God arranged this!” 

As we drive on, we acknowledge God’s hand on this meeting – and our responsibility to pray for them…