I just returned from our weekly house group Bible study, but this was much different than ever before.
Tonight, an extremely poor family hosted the Bible study group. Please understand that when I say a “poor family,” I
mean extremely poor. They have no beds on which to sleep. They have no chairs on which to sit. They have no electricity to light the room. What they have, however, is an passion about being part of the Body of Christ and an excitement to gather with believers in their home to study the Word of God!
This family spent all week preparing a room for tonight’s study. They cleaned the room. They painted the walls. They bought candles for light. And tonight, seven of us sat on the floor in this very special room, bathed in candle light, and rejoiced together as we studied Mark 4.
We didn’t need comfort. We didn’t even need light bulbs. We had a special gift from the Lord…fellowship and His presence!
Church as it was meant to be…

This family spent all week preparing a room for tonight’s study. They cleaned the room. They painted the walls. They bought candles for light. And tonight, seven of us sat on the floor in this very special room, bathed in candle light, and rejoiced together as we studied Mark 4.
Church as it was meant to be…