HUB Mission trip

studenti 1

Dear friends,

Our HUB Bible school mission trip with the 19th generation students is over. What wonderful days!
We have been eagerly expecting this! With 4 different teams, we visited 22 towns and villages across Serbia and Macedonia and many of our former students that are on the mission field. It was encouraging to see what God is doing with them there, and also have the opportunity to, at least, have a taste of what mission work is really like. Most of our students will finish school in just a couple of weeks, and our prayer for them is that after finishing they would go out and declare the good news all across this region. We know that God is gracious and good! His salvation gospel is so magnificent and true, and it really changes people’s lives! We need bold and courageous people who will embrace God’s calling and go wherever He wants them to.
I thank you for your prayers and your support.


Sladjan & Jaroslava

studenti 2Dragi prijatelji,
Misijsko putovanje 19. generacije studenata Biblijske škole je završeno. Kakvi dani!? Ovo smo nestrpljivo čekali! U 4 različita tima, posetili smo 22 grada i sela širom Srbije i Makedonije i u njima mnoge bivše studente koji se nalaze na misijskim poljima. Bilo je ohrabrujuće videti šta Bog radi tamo među njima i imati priliku da bar delimično osetimo ukus misijskog rada. Većina studenata za samo par nedelja završava školu i naša molitva zanjih je da nakon škole objavljuju radosnu vest širom ovog regiona. Posetili smo Bog je milostiv i dobar, njegovo Evanđelje o spasenju je tako veličanstveno i istinito i ono zaista menja ljudske živote. Trebamo odvažne i hrabre ljude koji će prigrliti Božiji poziv i ići tamo gde ih On želi.
Hvala vam za vaše molitve i podršku.


Slađan & Jaroslava

studenti 5 studenti 4

studenti 3