After studying at the Bible School in Belgrade, Igor recently moved to Montenegro. Igor is working with Daniel – also a graduate from the Bible School – who has been serving there since 1997. An OM team is based in the town who work closely with Daniel and Igor…
Jenny Blake has travelled with Oak Hall to Serbia and to Montenegro many times. She has been learning the language and prays for – and encourages others to pray for – the work… She recently met Igor when on an Oak Hall journey to Montenegro… Here she shares Igor’s news:
“I recently met Igor, who was at the Bible School for two years, in Kotor, Montenegro. He is now working in Bar, Montenegro with OM. OM have a drop-in Centre called the Living Room, where they hold many activities including a Language Cafe. Igor is involved in translation, visiting people, Kids’ Club in a local neighbourhood, visiting Adria – a centre for disabled people, Roma camp and preaching, usually once a week, at the church service in the Living Room.
“Igor stressed the importance of building up relationships in order to share the Message of Jesus with people. This is how some have already come to know the Lord. Please pray for this work in Bar.”
Great to see the outreach of the Bible School to Montenegro. I recognised that cafe in Montenegro from when we went there with Oak Hall in September 2009 on a steaming day. Great ice-creams and beo topla chokolada! I also remember Igor from Opovo. Well done to you Igor and also best wishes to Jenny.
All the best.
Vas u Isusu
Mervyn Roberts
Thank you, Mervyn!
Thank you Mervyn and Andy. We look forward to seeing more news about what God is doing in Montenegro soon.
Jenny Blake