Yesterday’s great Surprise
What a blessing for me as a pastor to see members of my church in Pacir faithfully serve yesterday at the first meeting of the 10-week evangelistic outreach, Alpha Course 2013.
I prayed for a long time that God would show me how to involve believers in ministry, and He showed me that I had to tell them to start praying for one person each, and show them love and kindness. They agreed, and the fruits were clearly seen yesterday.
Seventeen new people attended Alpha Course and, after having dinner together, they listened to the first teaching: Who is Jesus? This is a shocking number, considering the whole village has only 2,500 inhabitants. It was a joy for me to see the believers from Pacir serve eagerly, the sanctuary was full, and even more people are planning to come for the next occasion.
Please pray for us for wisdom in organization and that God would work in the hearts of the guests.