I just returned from our weekly house group Bible study, but this was much different than ever before.

Tonight, an extremely poor family hosted the Bible study group. Please understand that when I say a “poor family,” I mean extremely poor. They have no beds on which to sleep. They have no chairs on which to sit. They have no electricity to light the room. What they have, however, is an passion about being part of the Body of Christ and an excitement to gather with believers in their home to study the Word of God!
This family spent all week preparing a room for tonight’s study. They cleaned the room. They painted the walls. They bought candles for light. And tonight, seven of us sat on the floor in this very special room, bathed in candle light, and rejoiced together as we studied Mark 4.

We didn’t need comfort. We didn’t even need light bulbs. We had a special gift from the Lord…fellowship and His presence!
Church as it was meant to be…


Dear friends,

DSC_0328It is amazing how time flies. Week four has already started, and it seems like yesterday that we started our second term. Intense Bible study, fellowship and serving to others make time in school pass unnoticeably. The students are glad that they can be at a place like HUB, where they can receive these blessings.

Students’ practical days in the past two weeks In the past two weeks.

For their practical days, the students have done many activities: they gave out the New Testaments and shared the Gospel in Belgrade downtown, visited families with disabled children and a Nursing Home for Adult Disabled People in Belgrade. They also visited an elderly sister who is not able to go to church, gave out tracts to all the homes in Alibunar, participated in Youth meetings at Pentecostal church in Pancevo and visited “Duga”, the rehab center for drug addicts in Novi Sad. We are thankful to God that He opens the doors for us to be used together with the students to His glory.

Serving to churches We rejoice that we can be a blessing to churches in this way.

Visits and serving to churches every week are some of the important kinds of our ministry. Within these couple of weeks we have visited the Protestant Christian Fellowship in Temerin, the Church of God and the 2nd Baptist church in Belgrade, as well as a new founded church in Novi Belgrade. Every week, a few of us go to participate in a small group in Titel. Please pray that this ministry, given to us by God, would advance in spreading the Kingdom of God in Serbia and the Balkans.

Thank you for being with us.

New doors opened

It’s so amazing to see God pour out His grace and blessings. I can see His hands guiding and directing me in all my ways. He is always faithful!

Two weeks ago, we held our first junior high-aged
youth meeting and had a great turn out. Our desire through the party was to build connections and get to know each other better. I was excited that some youth from last summer’s evangelistic English camp came! I have wanted to work more with these teens for a long time…kids classes are boring for them, but they don’t understand much of the preaching and Bible studies for adults.
Please keep me in your prayers to be committed and wise in this ministry, and also to love these young people with God’s love…they need it so much.

In January, we started home groups for the church I pastor in Pacir. There are now about 16 people meeting weekly in three homes to study God’s Word, including a few who are not from church! It is exciting to see people learning, and growing closer to our Lord.
Thank you so much for praying with us for the church in Pacir. God is working!


P1040676Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

By God’s grace, the second term has begun in the Bible school. The students have been eagerly awaiting to come back to school after the break, in order to continue studying the Bible intensely, spend time with each other and prepare for what God has in store for them. We have two new students from Serbia who have joined us from this term, so we have a great group of students. It is such a privilege to be a part of their lives which we can invest in and watch as God is changing them and preparing for mission, to His glory.

The term finishes at the end of March. In the course of this term only, we will have had about 20 teachers who come from all over the world.They will be taking the students through the Bible books.

Thank you for praying for and supporting this ministry. God is great and we see it every day!


P1040676Dragi prijatelji, braćo i sestre u Hristu,

Po Božijoj milosti, počeo je drugi semestra u HUB Biblijskoj školi. Studenti su željno čekali da se vrate u školu posle pauze, da bi mogli da nastave intenzivno da proučavaju Bibliju, druže se i opremaju za ono što Bog ima za njih dalje.

Od ovog semestra nam se priključilo još dvoje novih studenata iz Srbije, tako da imamo zaista odličnu grupu studenata. Velika je privilegija biti deo njihovih života u koje možemo ulagati i gledati kako ih Bog menja i priprema za misiju, sebi na slavu. Semestar traje do kraja marta i samo u ovom vremenu imamo oko 20 predavača koji nam dolaze iz svih krajeva sveta i oni će studente voditi kroz biblijske knige.

Hvala što se molite i podržavate ovu službu. Bog je veliki i vidimo to svakod dana!

Novosti od Milenkovica!



Dragi prijatelji,

Veliki pozdrav od porodice Milenković. Ovim želimo da vam zahvalimo za vaše molitve i podrške nama i da vas informišemo o tome kako idu stvari kod nas sada. Prošlo je skoro 5 meseci od našeg povratka kući iz Memfisa. Divno je to što se Sara dobro oporavlja i što se koliko toliko vratila u svoje svakodnevne rutine. Apetit joj se polako vraća, čak je i dobila 2 kg na težini. Vrlo je uporna, vredna i hrabra i ako se lako umori i telo joj je još slabo, ona gura napred. Ide u školu redovno u svoj razred i zaista je odlična sa svojim školskim obavezama. Bojali smo se kako će sve to ići, ali vidimo da ima ogromnu podršku svojih drugova iz razreda i učiteljice. Često vidimo kako različiti mališani nose Sarinu torbu do kuće na povratku iz škole. Zaista hvala Bogu za to! To je odgovor na molitve.

Za samo dve nedelje, 4. januara, putujemo na sledeću kontrolu u Memfis. Uvek će to biti izazov za nas i molimo vas da se posebno molite za  Saru i za to vreme tamo.

Jana je pošla u prvi razred i uživa u svojim obavezama, druženjima, itd. Nedostaje joj Memfis i drugari koje je tamo upoznala. Naša mala Lena nam je prošlog meseca napunila godinu dana i u ovom peridu nam stalno zadaje nevolje.

Nastavite da držite i dalje za Saru u vašim molitvama i ohrabrujete i druge takođe. Znamo da je nekada teško da se održi onaj srčan molitveni duh za jednu te istu stvar, ali ovo je ona borba koja dugo traje Bogu smo zahvalni za sve vas, jer u ovome nismo sami. Neko je rekao: „Istrajnost je težak posao koji radiš nakon što se umoriš radeći već težak posao.“ Ovo se upravo može odnositi i na molitvu.

Želimo da se čujemo sa vama, pištite nam, javite se, posetite nas.

Neka radost Hristovog rođenja vas prati i u novoj 2014. godini. Srećan Božić! Hristos se rodi!

Vaši Milenkovići

Slađan, Jaroslava, Sara, Jana & Lena

family Milenkovic update


Dear friends,

Greetings from the Milenkovic family. With this, we’d like to thank you for your prayers and your support to us, and to inform you how things are going with us now. It’s been almost 5 months since our return from Memphis back home. It is great that Sara’s been recovering well and that she’s more or less back to her daily routine. She’s been regaining her appetite, she’s even gained about 4 pounds (2 kg). She’s very persistent, hardworking and brave. Although she gets easily tired and her body’s still week, she’s pushing forward. She’s been attending school regularly with her old class and she’s really doing great with her school obligations. We were afraid of how that would work, but we now see that she’s got a huge support of her class-mates and the teacher. We often see different children carrying Sara’s schoolbag on their way back home from school. Really, thank God for that! This is an answer to prayers. In only about two weeks, on January 4th, we are traveling to Sara’s next check up appointment to Memphis. This would always be a challenge for us, so please pray for Sara especially and her time back there.

Jana has started first grade and is enjoying her school, spending time with friends and other things. She misses Memphis and the friends she’s met there. Our little Lena has turned one year last month and  she’s a real trouble maker at this age.

Please keep carrying Sara in your prayers and encourage others to do it as well. We know that sometimes it is hard to keep the same wholehearted prayer spirit for the very same thing, but this is one of those battles that last long and we are thankful to God, because we are not alone in all this. Someone has said: “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” This can refer to prayers indeed.

We would like to hear from you, have you write to us, contact us, visit us.

May the joy of Christ’s birth be with you in the New Year 2014. Merry Christmas! Christ is born!


Milenkovic family

Yesterday’s great Surprise

Yesterday’s great Surprise

What a blessing for me as a pastor to see members of my church in Pacir faithfully serve yesterday at the first meeting of the 10-week evangelistic outreach, Alpha Course 2013.

I prayed for a long time that God would show me how to involve believers in ministry, and He showed me that I had to tell them to start praying for one person each, and show them love and kindness. They agreed, and the fruits were clearly seen yesterday.

Seventeen new people attended Alpha Course and, after having dinner together, they listened to the first teaching: Who is Jesus? This is a shocking number, considering the whole village has only 2,500 inhabitants. It was a joy for me to see the believers from Pacir serve eagerly, the sanctuary was full, and even more people are planning to come for the next occasion.
Please pray for us for wisdom in organization and that God would work in the hearts of the guests.