Blessings from Kraljevo!
Dear brothers, sisters and friends in Christ Jesus, just a couple of sentences and pictures we will inform you about our ministries in the past few months to be able to encourage you to join with us and rejoice in prayer and in the work of the Lord.
From the service of evangelization, will mention three events:
1 Mother’s Day: The Hepner family and our family invited acquaintances, mostly couples, to an evening of fellowship. The main topic was “Adam and Eve-who’s to blame?” It was interesting to hear the thoughts of people who for the first time thought about this question. We also had a male/female quiz …

2.Easter games in Kraljevo: we gathered children, parents, and young people on the occasion of the Easter holidays (May 5) in the center of the city. We held a contest for the hardest egg, the best egg and then we had a Easter Egg hunt! We had help from the football team and also Daniel and Marina of the association “Children’s Mission” whom were a great help and support throughout the project.
Of course, our goal was to introduce the purpose of Christ’s resurrection and to share the Gospel. We were able to do this in a very child friendly way. It is particularly encouraging that all around us was a huge rain falling but not in Kraljevo until we finalize everything, we just felt the full protection of God, glory to God for this work!

3.Brothers and sisters from Hawaii, just arrived in Kraljevo missionary journey, because there is a family Hepner, they were their hosts. They were a blessing to us, a lot of celebrating, socializing in English conversation classes, gave out over 70 new testaments, CD-Jesus movies, a lot of new contacts with young people, in a word, an oasis of God’s blessings. May the Lord bless you!

**Gypsy settlement, we spent the winter in a house (which is supposed to be a gypsy church, but …) we are back with the kids in the park until the Lord provides another place to meet. For now it is OK because the winter is still far away. The children are not very well behaved, but they are joyful and eager to play and socialize. We believe that our efforts are not in vain.

**Family Kaplarević, I met them through a friend who leads an association of “parent.” We gathered some clothes and even a few things that benefited them. The mother, Slavica was seriously ill, and we tried to make the point that the Lord is the source of life and there is peace with Him …Unfortunately, despite all the effort of her husband Dejan, that have a hard struggle with poverty, there are drugs, kids… yet it encourages me that Slavica is thinking about God and reading the Bible, in a good way.

***And finally, what we would like and have a real need for, is renting a space that we can serve all of our activities, to be able to implement more and be effective. We have Bible studies with the disabled, gypsies, workshops, youth, regular weekly service, women’s groups …
For the citizens of Kraljevo, it would be better if we had a place (other than a home), and of course for us it is easier to organize and lead the entire service.
If you want to be with us in prayer, here’s the real reason for prayer:
1. Lord give us wisdom,
2. strength and endurance
3. to be in the center of His will in all
and in finding finance and everything else needed for the magnificent service of His glory.

In Christ’s love your missionaries from Kraljevo. 2 Peter 3:8 “God is not late with the promise …”