Choose Life, Novi Sad

Vesna founded “Choose Life” in Novi Sad, Serbia’s second city.  The project has had a very positive impact on the city and beyond.  Through helping with “crisis pregnancy” situations, they have been able to bring purpose, hope and peace to many women.

As the team also communicate with teenagers in High Schools and through youth events, they are able to help many before any crisis occurs…

Read more here: Choose Life Center Serbia, January 2012 news

Message from children in a refugee camp…

Darko and Lidija write…

“When I read this, tears came to my eyes.  This message came from some young people who, because of the war, were displaced from Kosova and now live in a collective centre (refugee camp)…”

“Jesus Christ very lovingly tells us:  

“‘So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.’ (Jn 16:22-23) 

“At that moment we will understand that everything has worked for our good and that the many difficult paths led us to salvation. ‘We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.'”

To read on, please click here.  If you would like to receive further information about supporting the many projects that Darko and Lidija are involved with, please get in touch through the contact form.

News from Darko and Lidija as a Summer of Children Camps and Training Begin…







Last week, the Oak Hall “Taste of Mission” Team spent three days with Darko and Lidija helping to prepare the children’s camp for the summer programme.

They shared with us the needs that remained for them to be able to finally purchase the camp ground.  Many of us prayed for them.  Together we can now praise God that the purchase was successfully completed on the 1st July.  This is wonderful news and the camp ground in their ownership will bring blessing to thousands of children in the years to come…

Just before the purchase deadline, Darko and Lidija wrote this news: Prayer June 2011 – Darko and Lidija (Click to open)



DAY 8: YU67 has landed.

After covering approaching 1000kms around Serbia, meeting up with 18 Bible School graduates, delivering aid, sharing with children, helping to develop a children’s camp ground, visiting 2 churches and studying 1 John in 13 sessions… YU67 has landed back in London.

As well as helping in practical ways, sharing the Message of Jesus in words and action and gaining a unique insight into some of the situation in Serbia, we are returning changed, and inspired for the challenges that await us as we serve the Lord Jesus in our home towns…

Thank you for praying with us this week. To continue to receive news about what is happening in Serbia, simply stay subscribed to this blog…

We praise God for your partnership!

DAY 7: Children on the Edge of Pancevo

Today we were in Pancevo visiting some of the children near to the chemical works that were heavily bombed by NATO in 1999. Many of the children were effected by this terrible time.

Here are some photographs of the time of sport, music, communication and friendship that we enjoyed with these dear people.

For now we are all bedding down for a short sleep before we leave at 3am for the airport…

Good night from us all and thank you for your continued prayer.

Refugees from Kosovo at Avala

Today we have been at the refugee centre in Avala on the south edge of Belgrade.  As we arrived officials from the government had just left with the terrifying news that all of the refugees here had one month to move out or they would be moved to another camp possibly hundreds of miles from this one. Children are going to have to move schools, adults find new odd jobs…  for some this feels like another forced evacuation similar to the one that they suffered in 1999 when they fled Kosovo.

As we do on each visit, we met together with all from the camp, exchanged greetings and caught up on each other’s news…  Elenka – one of the Bible School team shared her story.

“I used to hate myself and the way that I am disabled.  God, though, has shown me that He loves me and deliberately created me for a purpose…”  

Elenka spoke of how, through Jesus Christ, we can experience relationship with God…

There was absolute silence as all hung on her every word and considered the impact of Jesus on her life.  Riste – also from the Bible School team – then opened the Bible to speak about the Samaritan woman whom Jesus met at the well…

“Whoever believes in me…  rivers of living water will flow from within them.” – John 7:38

For the next two hours, we gave out the aid we had brought, sat and chatted further in people’s rooms or played football with some of the children.

It has been a significant day and we pray on for these friends who are facing such an uncertain future.

Thank you for praying with us all…

DAY 6: Refugees at Avala

As I write we are driving towards a refugee “camp” where around 100 refugees from Kosovo make their improvised homes. The “camp” is actually an old derelict psychiatric hospital that was recommissioned as temporary accommodation when these refugees flooded out of Kosovo in 1999. With every year that passes, the prospect of returning to their homes becomes increasingly remote.

We have been friends with these people for many years. Today as we spend time together we will be bringing aid with us and carefully distributing it personally. But more than this, we will be sharing about the Lord Jesus – God’s ultimate expression of Love to a broken, lost and hurting world.

On our journey, we are now passing ‘Slavija’ in the centre of Belgrade.


One of the Bible School graduates – Riste – will speak to the refugees and Elenka will explain how Jesus Christ has changed her life.

Pray that we would faithfully continue our friendships, serve in humility, and communicate clearly – through it all reflecting something of Jesus here.

Thank you for praying with us. Greetings from us all.