Dear friends,
I send you warm greetings from Montenegro.
It is my pleasure that you are standing together with us and that’s why I would like to share with you about the ministry and prayer requests. After a long time and a lot of prayer the meeting room has become too small for us and since a couple of weeks we have to put more chairs in in order for everyone to get a seat.
God gave us in a special way people that are interested in him and that also invite others. It began with me being discouraged because the ones I invited all the time did not come. I prayed “God please send the people that honestly seek you” and God did a miracle. I started to get phone calls from people that I didn’t know and they were asking me if there was a church here and if they could come.
At the moment we have Montenegrians, Russians, Americans, Germans and Serbs in our meetings. How amazing it is to hear Him drawing people, so please join me in prayer for these people and praise God together. Let us pray that God will work in their hearts.
One woman we prayed with now says “I am rejoicing to praise God every Sunday”.
Please pray for us that God gives wisdom and everything that is necessary in order for his church here to grow.
– Daniel
Dear Daniel,
So good to hear of the good work and exciting developments in Montenegro. We enjoyed an Oak hall holiday there in October 2009, just before I went on my third visit to Serbia.
Many blessings on you and others there as you seek to know more of our Lord & experience His goodness.
Vas u Isusu,
Mervyn Roberts
Hi Daniel,
May the Lord be with you. Montenegro is deeply on my heart and I hope to return and see you one day.
God bless
Jenny Blake