Fitting reading glasses and delivering aid a the brick factory camp

We are at our the point furthest south that we will reach on this epic journey.

Here at this camp our two opticians are fitting reading glasses while the rest of us deliver the aid we have brought and chat with these people who have been through so much.

“Your visit means so much to us!” calls one of the women…

Darko – a graduate of the Bible college continues to spend a lot of time each month with these refugees and a number of the children will be coming away on holidays he and others in CEF have organised for them.

0 Replies to “Fitting reading glasses and delivering aid a the brick factory camp”

  1. Brilliant! This is what’s it’s all about. The lady on the right is clutching her new red glasses-case so tightly, you can see her joy.
    Even more importantly, may God be opening people’s spiritual eyes to see Him!
    Bless you in the wonderful work you are all doing today, it really does mean so much to these ‘forgotten’ people.

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