Greetings from Drago and Jaroslava…

Greetings from Drago and Jaroslava

We are glad that we can share with you news and events that have happened lately.

Christmas gifts for children in our town

At the end of the last year we were able to give out 950 Christmas gifts. Several events have been organised.

14th December, Gypsy settlement, Christmas celebration and Christmas gifts for Roma children.

29th December, Cultural Centre, Christmas celebration and Christmas gifts for poor children.

30th December, over a hundred children came with their parents to the church. We are very pleased that many people came to our church and had an opportunity to meet with the believers.

   Please pray for our plans for this year:

– Opening of an Internet café in the church.

– Alpha Course in the spring

– For our family

Thank you for your support in the work of God in which God has put us together.

Drago and Jaroslava

0 Replies to “Greetings from Drago and Jaroslava…”

  1. Dragi Drago i Jaroslava,

    So great to hear all your news of yourself and your church. May God bless you all as yoyu continue to serve Him so well.

    Vas u Isusu,

    Mervyn Roberts (I met you again this June at your church, having first met you at the Bible School in 2004 and hope to meet you again)

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