Dear friends,
Thank you for praying for us still. It is so encouraging to see God’s grace, goodness and compassion trough you.
I would like to let you know that Sara will be operated on tomorrow morning, on Monday, Oct 22, 2012. Please pray that God would lead the hands of the doctors and bring peace to Sara and all of us.
Pray for Jaroslava, too. She didn’t feel well on Friday, when some complications with her pregnancy occurred, so since then she has been in a hospital 100 meters away from where Sara is. Everything is all right now, the baby is fine and we are praying that she would endure until her 9th month.
This morning, Sara and I were encouraged by the words from Isaiah 40:31 “…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Sladjan, Jaroslava, Sara and Jana Milenkovic
Dragi prijatelji,
Hvala vam sto se i dalje molite za nas. Kako je samo ohrabrujuce u ovim danima da vidimo Boziju milost, dobrotu i saosecajnost kroz vas.
Zelim da javim da ce Sara definitivno imati operaciju sutra prepodne, u ponedeljak 22.10.2012. Molite se da Bog vodi ruke lekara i donese mir Sari i svima nama.
Molite se i za Jaroslavu. Njoj nije bilo dobro u petak, kada je imala neke komlikacije, tako da je od tada u klinici na 100 metara od mesta gde je Sara. Sada je sve u redu, beba je u redu i molimo se da izdrzi jos malo dok ne udje u 9. mesec.
Jutros su Saru i mene ohrabrile reči iz Isaije 40:31 “Ali koji se nadaju Gospodu, dobijaju novu snagu, podižu se na krilima kao orlovi, trče i ne posustaju, hode i ne more se.”
Sladjan, Jaroslava, Sara i Jana Milenković
Praying that all will go well with the surgery tomorrow. Ian Pratt