The students of the sixteenth generation of the Bible School continue to share their stories. This is Dubravka.
I am from Veles in Macedonia. I used to pray and read the Bible but I didn’t understand it. I even wrote some verses and stuck them in my bedroom. As I searched for Him, I always felt I hadn’t done enough… My heart said, “There must be more”.
Then, last year I heard about an evangelical church in our town – one of the things that drew me there was that they met in the evening. When I went there for the first time, they were teaching about the Holy Spirit. Some used gifts, others sang – it was strange for me. It was their love for me that drew me to their message…
During the three years before my visit to the church, I couldn’t sleep. I was afraid of the dark. I always felt like something was watching me. I never allowed the light to be turned out at night. On the evening after hearing about Jesus at the church, the fear was so strong that I expected something to attack me. In this fear, I began to call Jesus and as I called Him, I repented from my sins and I prayed. I knew that I needed life, I needed something that was different from the world that would fill me: I needed Jesus in my life. After my prayer, I fell into a sleep that was deeper and more peaceful than I had ever experienced.
Since then I have been growing in my walk with Jesus…
So many people are in the dark around me and I am still learning to forgive those who have wronged me. I don’t know the details about what God wants from me when I go home after the Bible School but He has been encouraging me that He has a plan that is good and cannot be stopped!
It is great to hear all these stories of the Bible School Students. Thanks for sending them. They are uplifting. Thank God for working in their lives and how they have responded. May they learn a lot at Bible College which will be very useful to them as they share their testimony wherever they go.
God bless you all and continue to build you into his people – the Church.
Gill Pollock