Our dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, 

DSCI2059By God’s grace, week 8 of this semester has finished. The week was marked by the beginning of spring in HUB. The students had the opportunities to spend their free time walking, playing football, playing the guitar and singing in the school yard, riding a bicycle, walking to the river Danube, playing board games… All of that is a part of the beauty of life in HUB.

We had a very rich last week when it comes to classes. The students had lectures on the epistle of Galatians, taught by Richard Hall from America, then on the second part of the Gospel of John with Steve Luibrand, as well as Song of Songs with Miro Cizmanski.

 Visit to churches

We were in Celarevo, near Novi Sad, where we held two services in the Baptist church, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. This was the first time for HUB to be at that church, but we were very warmly welcomed. Just as they were encouraged by us, we were encouraged by them. The church was very happy with our coming, and we already arranged the date together for our next visit to them next semester. DSCI2129

We are thankful to our God for using us in this way and that we can serve a great number of churches of different denominations in this way. One of the students told us:  “This is the greatest blessing for me in the school. Wherever I go, I meet new brothers and sisters. ” 

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word”. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Many blessings to all,


Riste and the HUB team

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