Dear friends, brothers and sisters,


P1020998We are writing to you after one of the busiest weeks since the very beginning of the school year. In the previous, eighth week of the third semester, the seminar on Bible preaching was held. On Friday, the HUB team and the students were invited to attend the opening of the sport cometitions in a Home for Disabled Adults in Belgrade. Our contribution to the atmosphere was through participation in the casserol-making competition and volunteering. On Saturday, we visited a home for mentally disabled people in Jabuka, and on Sunday we visited churches in Brčko and Bijeljina, Bosnia. All in all, it was a very rich and blessed week.

We would just like to say something about the seminar briefly. The school of Bible preaching has been held four times already at HUB in cooperation with Project Timothy from Novi Sad. We believe that it is one of the best training programs currently existing in Serbia. This is why we invite guests to attend it every year. In short, during one week, the topic of the seminar is how to practically write a good sermon based on a Bible text. The teachers emphasize the importance of preaching and explaining what is written in the Bible, the importance of context and the content of the text.P1030040

We are thankful to God that he is blessing us with new experiences week by week and that we are slowly but successfully bringing this school year to the end.

These days we especially keep this verse on our minds, and we encourage you with it too:

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1. Corinthians 15:58


We wish you every possible blessing.


Riste and the HUB team



Dragi prijatelji, braćo i sestre,


P1020998Javljamo vam se nakon jedne od najispunjenijih nedelja od samog početka školske godine. U protekloj, osmoj nedelji trećeg semestra, u školi se održao seminar o biblijskom propovedanju. U petak, tim i studenti HUB-a bili su pozvani da prisustvuju otvaranju sportskih takmičenja u Domu za odrasla invalidna lica u Beogradu. Mi smo doprineli toj atmosferi učestvovanjem u takmičenju u kotliću i volontiranjem. U subotu smo bili u poseti domu za lica sa mentalnim invaliditetom u Jabuci, a u nedelju u poseti crkvama u Brčku i Bijeljini u Bosni. Sve u svemu, bila je to bogata i blagoslovena nedelja.

Ukratko samo da kažemo nešto o seminaru. Škola biblijskog propovedanja u HUB-u održava se već četvrtu godinu za redom u saradnji sa Projektom Timotej iz Novog Sada. Smatramo da je to jedan od najboljih programa obuke koji trenutno postoje u Srbiji. Zbog toga svake godine pozivamo goste da mu prisustvuju. Ukratko, na seminaru se u toku jedne nedelje praktično govori o tome kako napisati dobru propoved utemeljenu na biblijskom tekstu. Predavači naglašavaju važnost propovedanja i objašnjavanja onoga što piše u Bibliji, važnost konteksta i sadržaja samog teksta.P1030040

Zahvalni smo Bogu što nas iz nedelje u nedelju blagosilja novim iskustvima i što polako i uspešno privodimo kraju i ovu školsku godinu.

U ovim danima posebno imamo na umu ovaj stih, a njim i vas ohrabrujemo:

„Stoga, braćo moja draga, budite čvrsti, nepokolebljivi, uvek bogati u delu Gospodnjem, znajući da vaš trud nije bez ploda u Gospodu.” 1. Korinćanima 15:58


Svaki blagoslov želi vam,


Riste i tim HUB-a



Our dear friends,


We are writing again at the beginning of the eight week of the third term at HUB Bible school. We would like to inform you briefly how the last week went and how you can pray for us.

 P1020641In the past two weeks, our school has been visited by four teachers: our long term teachers John Baigent and Norman Tharby, then James Arnold who has been coming since last year, and a teacher who came for the first time, Rob Schaffer. With them, our students studied Jeremiah, Lamentations, Numbers, 2nd Corinthians and Ephesians.

In the past two weeks we have also visited two churches. For the fist time after a longer period of time, we’ve been to the Baptist church in Novi Sad, and to the Evangelical church at Banovo Brdo, and were truly blessed at those services. It is always good to see the old friends and see what God has been doing in their lives.

Last Thursday, we organized a special lunch at the school for the families with disabled children, which was attended by a few families from Opovo and surrounding villages. In the past years they have also been coming to camps, in the organization of which we have been participating, so we already have great friendships and longer cooperation with them. It was really blessed to talk to the parents about everything that had been happening in their lives in the meantime, and enjoy with the children who were playing table tennis, football and many other things.P1020720

I think that you can see for yourselves that these are very intense weeks at the school. At the same time, these are the last weeks of school for our students, who are all finishing the first year. This is also a time of preparation for the final essays and exams, and the time of making decisions about a potential coming to the second year, about going back to the churches or starting a new ministry for our students.

Please pray for our students and help them make the right decisions in such a way. Pray also for those who are thinking of enrolling the first year in October, as well as for the team to have God’s guidance, strength and wisdom as they serve in the school during these last and intense weeks.


Thank you for reading our news, praying for us and supporting us in every other way.


We desire you every blessing in Christ,


Riste and the HUB team



Dragi naši prijatelji,

Ponovo vam se javljamo na početku osme nedelje trećeg semestra u Biblijskoj školi HUB. Želimo ukratko da vas obavestimo kako je protekla prethodna nedelja i kako možete da se molite za nas.

P1020641U prethodne dve nedelje našu školu je posetilo 4 strana predavača: dugogodišnji profesori Džon Bejdžent i Norman Tarbi, zatim Džejms Arnold koji je sa nama od prošle godine, i predavač koji je sa nama bio po prvi put, Rob Šafer. Sa njima su naši studenti proučavali Knjigu proroka Jeremije,  Plač Jeremijin, Knjigu Brojeva, Drugu poslanicu Korinćanima i poslanicu Efescima.

U prethodne dve nedelje takođe smo posetili dve crkve. Bili smo u Baptističkoj crkvi u Novom Sadu posle duže vremena, i u Evanđeoskoj crkvi na Banovom Brdu, i bili zaista blagosloveni na tim službama. Uvek je dobro videti stare poznanike i videti šta Bog radi u njihovim životima.

U četvrtak smo u školi organizovali i poseban ručak za porodice sa decom sa invaliditetom, na kojem je prisustvovalo nekoliko porodica iz Opova i okoline. Oni su i prethodnih godina dolazili na kampove u čijoj smo organizaciji učestvovali, tako da sa njima imamo već velika prijateljstva i dužu saradnju. Bilo je zaista blagosloveno razgovarati sa roditeljima o svemu što se u njihovim životima dešavalo u međuvremenu, i uživati sa decom koja su igrala stoni tenis, fudbal, vozila bicikl i mnoge druge stvari.P1020720

Verujem da možete i sami da zaključite da su ovo veoma intenzivne nedelje u školi.

Ovo su istovremeno i posledenje nedelje škole za naše studente, od kojih svi završavaju prvu godinu. Ovo je i vreme priprema za završne eseje i ispite, i vreme donošenja odluka o mogućem dolasku u drugu godinu, o vraćanju u crkve ili o započinjanju neke nove službe za naše studente.

Molimo vas da kroz molitve pomognete našim studentima da donesu prave odluke. Molite se i za one koji razmišljaju da od oktobra upišu prvu godinu, kao i za to da tim škole ima Božije vođstvo, snagu i mudrost dok služi u školi u ovim poslednjim i intenzivnim nedeljama.

Hvala vam za to što čitate naše vesti, molite se za nas i podržavate nas na svaki drugi način.

Svaki blagoslov u Hristu želi vam,

Riste i tim HUB-a

Banja Luka Church visiting Kosovo

Sinisa and the team from Banja Luka, Bosnia write…

Visiting Kosovo“VISITING KOSOVO In April a number of us visited Kosovo. It was an amazing experience, because that is the place where in 1389 the battle of Kosovo happened and where Christians were fighting against the Ottoman Empire (Turks).

“Nowadays Kosovo is still not safe as Serbs and Albanians (Muslim) fight over the country. The bombing of Serbia in 1999 was over Kosovo. Kosovo although claiming independence from Serbia, is not recognized by some countries and Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of them.

“It wasn’t a pleasant feeling to go there and we were feeling a little bit uncomfortable but when we got there God changed our feelings completely. The best thing was that our brothers from Albania who become Christians took us to the place where the battle of Kosovo happened and in that group there were Serbs, Muslim, Albanian’s, Croat and Finns, but as Christians we prayed for Kosovo, for Muslims, for Serbs and for reconciliation in this region.

“Only God could put us together and give us His love for each other. God is good.”

There is much more news from Sinisa and the team click this link to read on – Christian Fellowship Newsletter May 2013

News from Drago and Jaroslava

We would like to share news from our family and church in Ruma.
We are truly blessed with our brothers and sisters in the church.It is wonderful to have such a lovely family around.
We thank the Lord that we can grow and build as the body of Christ.
Psalm 133:1‚‚ How good and pleasant it is  when God’s people live together in unity!‚‚
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Holy Communion is a new thing that we started in the church in Ruma.
So far we have received Holy Communion in the church in Sremska Mitrovica.

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An interesting statistic is that in the church we have 17 people and 15 children. There is a saying: “Children are our future”. We can freely say that children are our present! We are really grateful for all the childrenin our church.
The new project that we are planning to start, as a church is to help drug addicts. We believe that God could heal these people and we are praying for God’s guidance for this new ministry. I will write more about this project in our next newsletter.
Jaroslava and I have special news that we would like to share with you. We are expecting fourth child! Jaroslava is seven months pregnant. With great pleasure we expect our sixth member of the family! Please pray for us in this exciting moment in our lives.
Please pray for our church and believers in Ruma. And also please pray for the other people to get to know real truth and life, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for  your support.
Kind regards from Chruch in Ruma
                    Drago and Jaroslava

Blessings from Kraljevo!Dear brothers, sisters and friends in

Blessings from Kraljevo!

Dear brothers, sisters and friends in Christ Jesus, just a couple of sentences and pictures we will inform you about our ministries in the past few months to be able to encourage you to join with us and rejoice in prayer and in the work of the Lord.

From the service of evangelization, will mention three events:

1 Mother’s Day: The Hepner family and our family invited acquaintances, mostly couples, to an evening of fellowship.  The main topic was “Adam and Eve-who’s to blame?” It was interesting to hear the thoughts of people who for the first time thought about this question.  We also had a male/female quiz …


2.Easter games in Kraljevo: we gathered children, parents, and young people on the occasion of the Easter holidays (May 5) in the center of the city.  We held a contest for the hardest egg, the best egg and then we had a Easter Egg hunt!   We had help from the football team and also Daniel and Marina of the association “Children’s Mission” whom were a great help and support throughout the project.

Of course, our goal was to introduce the purpose of Christ’s resurrection and to share the Gospel.  We were able to do this in a very child friendly way. It is particularly encouraging that all around us was a huge rain falling but not in Kraljevo until we finalize everything, we just felt the full protection of God, glory to God for this work!

СликаСлика3.Brothers and sisters from Hawaii, just arrived in Kraljevo missionary journey, because there is a family Hepner, they were their hosts. They were a blessing to us, a lot of celebrating, socializing in English conversation classes, gave out over 70 new testaments, CD-Jesus movies, a lot of new contacts with young people, in a word, an oasis of God’s blessings. May the Lord bless you!


**Gypsy settlement, we spent the winter in a house (which is supposed to be a gypsy church, but …) we are back with the kids in the park until the Lord provides another place to meet.  For now it is OK because the winter is still far away.  The children are not very well behaved, but they are joyful and eager to play and socialize. We believe that our efforts are not in vain.


**Family Kaplarević, I met them through a friend who leads an association of “parent.”  We gathered some clothes and even a few things that benefited them.  The mother, Slavica was seriously ill,  and we tried to make the point that the Lord is the source of life and there is peace with Him …Unfortunately, despite all the effort of her husband Dejan, that have a hard struggle with poverty, there are drugs, kids… yet it encourages me that Slavica is thinking about God and reading the Bible, in a good way.


***And finally, what we would like and have a real need for, is renting a space that we can serve all of our activities, to be able to implement more and be effective.  We have Bible studies with the disabled, gypsies, workshops, youth, regular weekly service, women’s groups …

For the citizens of Kraljevo, it would be better if we had a place (other than a home), and of course for us it is easier to organize and lead the entire service.

If you want to be with us in prayer, here’s the real reason for prayer:

1. Lord give us wisdom,

2. strength and endurance

3. to be in the center of His will in all

and in finding finance and everything else needed for the magnificent service of His glory.


In Christ’s love your missionaries from Kraljevo.                2 Peter 3:8 “God is not late with the promise …”


Dear friends, brothers and sisters,


The sixth week has already started at the Bible school. Time flies incredibly fast. So many things have happened in the past few weeks.

riste slikaWe were hosts to two groups at the school – a group from Sweden, which spent four days here and NGO Fokus from Serbia, who held their conference at HUB. While the conference was being held, the students and a part of the team were at the mission trip.

At the mission trip, we were split into two groups. One group was on the South of Serbia, in Vranje, visiting our former student Jan Jabrih, who works as a missionary there.

Jan has been living in Vranje for about a year and a half with his family. He has already started a few children’s clubs. He is currently starting a small group too, where people will be coming to study the Word of God. Vranje is a city with many refugee camps, where people’s lives are difficult. Jan often visits those people, encourages them, prays for them. The students were really encouraged by Jan and his family.

The other group was in Croatia, Virovitica, with our former students Siniša and Daniela Ljubomiroski, who serve as missionaries in a church there. Siniša and Danijela have also lived there a year and a half. Their hard work and effort was very fruitful in the community. When they first came, there were five people in the church, but today, the church is visited by 15 to 17 people, who seek God. The students were encouraged by their work – because they are so young and God uses them so much. Their comments were that they want God to use them the same way He uses the family – on the mission field.

The aim of the Bible school is to equip mission workers. Thank God that that’s what He does through the school. The proof that it’s P1020445happening are precisely such students, who are now in full time and fruitful ministries.


„He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation..“ Mark 16:15


Please keep praying for our students and our entire work at the school. Thank you for all your support.


Riste and the HUB team


Dragi prijatelji, braćo i sestre,


U Bibliskoj školi HUB već je počela šesta nedelja. Vreme neverovatno brzo leti. U poslednjih nekoliko nedelja mnogo toga se izdešavalo.

riste slikaUgostili smo dve grupe u školi – grupu iz Švedske, koja je ovde provela 3 dana, i NVO Fokus iz Srbije, koja je u HUB-u održala konferenciju. Dok se ta konferencija održavala, studenti i jedan deo tima bili su na misijskom putovanju.

Na misijskom putovanju bili smo podeljeni u dve grupe. Jedna grupa je bila na jugu Srbije, u Vranju, u poseti našem bivšem studentu Janu Jambrihu, koji tamo radi kao misionar.

Jan sa svojom porodicom živi u Vranju već oko godinu i po dana. Osnovao je već nekoliko klubova koji se bave radom sa decom. Trenutno osniva i kućnu grupu, će ljudi dolaziti da proučavaju Božiju reč. Vranje je grad u kojem ima mnogo izbegličkih kampova, u kojima ljudi teško žive. Jan često obilazi te ljude, ohrabruje ih mole se za njih. Studenti su stvarno bili ohrabreni Janom i  njegovom porodicom.

Druga grupa je bila u Hrvatskoj, u Virovitici, kod naših bivših studenata Siniše i Danijele Ljubomiroski, koji služe kao misionari u jednoj tamošnjoj crkvi. Siniša i Danijela su takođe tamo godinu i po dana. Njegov trud i rad je doneo mnogo plodova u toj zajednici. Kada su došli, tamo je bilo petoro ljudi, a danas zajednicu posećuje petnaestoro do sedamnaestoro ljudi, koji traže Boga. Studenti su bili ohrabreni i inspirisani njihovim radom – kako su mladi a kako ih Bog upotrebljava. Njihovi komentari su bili da žele da ih Bog upotrebljava na isti način kao ovu porodicu – da idu u misiju.

Cilj Biblijske škole je da opremamo misijske radnike. Hvala Bogu što to radi kroz školu. Dokaz da se to dešava jesu upravo ovakvi studenti koji su u punovremenim i plodonosnim službama.P1020445


„I reče im: idite u sav svet i objavite evanđelje svakom stvorenju.“ Marko 16:15


Molite se i dalje za naše studente i naš celokupan rad u školi. Hvala vam za svaku podršku.


Riste i tim HUB-a




Monthly summary email…

Monthly-BulletinThank you for subscribing to the Oak Hall in Serbia site – by subscribing, you are receiving posts and news “as it happens” from the team, graduates and students of the Bible School.



Last month we introduced a “Monthly Summary” message – the second edition of this was published today: you can view it online here.

If you would like to subscribe to receive this brief summary each month, please click here to enter your email.



Thank you for your partnership as the work continues.

– Andy and Faye