Bethlehem Night in Kraljevo

Dear friends, brothers and sisters,

I congratulate you all on Christmas and New Year, we wish you an abundance of joy, love and blessings from the Lord.
As you know in Central Serbia is mainly celebrated Orthodox Christmas (7.jan) and New Year (14.jan), so we are still in the old year!!!     🙂
Anyway, here is a short news about our ministry in the Lord at the time of the most joyous holidays throughout the year.    My family with the help of friends who were part of our group to study the Bible and many other friends have organized a full-evening program for children of all associations of disabled persons, it was wonderful.                                   Слика Слика

The program we started with the youngest members of the choir of music school, who sang beautiful Christmas carols and then we played a show on the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, called “Night in Bethlehem.” The children were fascinated by, at most they liked the scene with the Emperor Herod, we managed to elicit joy and laughter on their faces, and most importantly, finally, the children had the opportunity to know what is Christmas and also to remind adults. If you like the video:


After the play, we present the gospel message and eventually split shoe boxes, over 100 New Testaments and 200 calendars with Bible verses, we hope and pray to give it all to good effect, that people began to read the Bible.СликаСликаСлика050120131248 The next thing on the horizon is a three-day children’s club in a Gypsy settlement, until then … a blessing!

Family Gecan

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